Sunday, March 05, 2006



Okay here we go, it's back to it. After over 3 months of inactivity, I joined the boys for the first game of the new season. The 3 months off definitely showed. Injury wise everything pulled up okay on my behalf, bar a slight hamstring strain which disappeared quickly enough, but the worst of it was the fitness. What fitness? Exactly. Coming back straight into a game unprepared felt like getting punched in the stomach by Luca Brazi. With only one sub for the day it kinda' really hit hard.

Anyway Derek's friend Darren joined us for the game and it did pay off (we only had 6 with him). The *expletive deleted :P* usual late appearance of certain players had us grabbing some random dude standing there to play for the first few minutes. Good thing the difference in tops didn't cost us a point.

So in the first half they scored 2 against us with no reply, and damn their celebrations were rather irritating. Come second half however Heng and Darren were up front and managed to score 2 goals, one of them being a great assist from Heng to Darren. Quoc scored one past their wall and keeper from one of his famous free kicks. Some lackluster defending and too much emphasis on holding up the game saw the desperate Underdogs score their third, alas it was too late and we had won. Think about this though, if we had lost a point because of the difference in tops, then it would have been a different outcome. Conclusion: get your ass there early!!

Result: Win 4-3
Man of the Match: Heng (ass kicking in midfield)
Most unfit: Sanji (omgwtfbbq)
Company with most on field: Deloitte ;) (me n Darren...whatta plug)

ps. made some changes to the reason for missing games or relying on Henry's MSN, the fixtures etc are on the side under LINKS :D

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