Saturday, August 06, 2005


Bad news

Ok. Y'all know I've been not playing for the last 11-12 weeks now. And rather than have to answer everbody's different questions about it, I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm about 95% certain I've torn fibres in my ACL and so, upon confirmation from my surgeon, will most likely be out for another year and a bit.

How do you know you've torn your ACL again?
It wasn't loose post surgery but after that last injury, the physio said it was a little loose. At uni we did knee examinations and other students and my tutor said it was a little loose as well.

Torn as opposed to completely ruptured?
On the physical tests they do, there's an end point, meaning there's still some ligament intact. The only problem is the ACL doesn't have a blood supply and doesn't heal very well. Hence they reconstruct it by replacing it with another tendon in the body.

If it isn't torn completely, its still there thereotically and hence, you can play right?
Thereotically I could. I played last week and it was ok. But think of a tug-of-war with a big fat rope. The ligament is the rope. If McGyver pulled out his swiss army knife and started cutting maybe 10% of the rope in the middle whilst the pulling was going on, eventually the rope will snap. I could play, but sooner or later, I'd hear a pop and be rolling on the ground in agony.

Why is the ACL so important? Can't you just pump heaps of weights and play?
The ACL limits hyperextension and excessive rotation at the knee joint. This is critical for changes in pace and turning; my main tools in my soccer arsenal. Bulking up my legs would help but I'd be limited to just passing and running in straight lines, which is not the way I play.

What's the deal then?
Orthopedic surgeon consultation. MRI scan or athroscope to confirm. Probable surgery at the end of the year again. Another year out doing rehab.

How do you feel?
How the fuck do you think I feel? Pissed off, angry, helpless, sad... fucken hell! If there's any positive is that I've gone through it before and I know what's required now. All I can say to you guys is make the most of your opportunities while you still have them. If you're slacking off in the game, remember that I'd kill to take your position on field if I could. Put 100% into a game and walk away after the buzzer knowing you gave it your all. You just don't know when your last game will be. Play hard and win some trophies. Hopefully I'll rejoin at the end of 2006. I just wanted to let all of you know what's going on as it has been dragging on and I had made a promise it wasn't too serious to begin with. Sorry fellas but the news ain't pretty.

PS: I'm not coming down tomorrow because I've got a midsem on Monday.

tough love dude, don't worry im going hard on the exercises the physio gave me to do! i won't take it for granted any longer! mcguyver is cool
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